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2Shades - интернет-магазин дизайнерской мебели
2Shades - салон элитной, дизайнерской мебели: современная продукция от мировых производителей
Большой Саввинский переулок, д. 12, стр. 5
+7 (495) 414-31-31

Design and coronavirus

Polina Victor - Head of 2Shades:

"The economy is always cyclical, ups and downs are always necessary. For us, the crisis is an opportunity to find new solutions.

In self-isolation, people realized how important comfort is. Many people began to think about how to make their space warm, real, refined. In our salons, the demand has shifted to those things that allow people to create a sense of comfort - upholstered furniture, accessories, light, textiles, vases and decor.

Of course, there is serious uncertainty with foreign suppliers now. Many are very scared and do not want to buy furniture to order, so today there is a great demand for goods from the availability and for online purchases. We have a large warehouse program, so we have something to offer.

And from the point of view of the economic component, we hope that the tenants will reduce the cost of rent and we will be able to continue our activities. Looking at Europe, it would be very reasonable - they provide either rental holidays or benefits.

What will this allow us? So the landlord will keep good tenants who will continue to work. On the other hand, he will have the opportunity to cover current expenses and save his business as well. Unfortunately, not all tenants understand this. I think, in any case, they will have to take these measures, or they will face heavy losses. If we don\'t help each other now, it will probably affect the entire business and the economy of the country as a whole.

In any case, for us, a crisis is always a search for new solutions and opportunities. What are we doing?

1. Cost reduction. We are communicating with tenants.

2. Development of online sales. We shoot videos of products so that the client on our website can see not a static object, but a full-sized product.

3. Professional development of employees during isolation. We are preparing a program so that our employees can work effectively and improve their educational level.

4. Selection of partners and suppliers. We carefully study the financial condition of the companies. We have expertise in this matter.

5. 3-d fitting. We are developing software that will help you try on several items indoors without leaving home.

6. The shift of the business model from retail to IT solutions. Soon we will present a product that allows us to quickly prepare specifications and compare supplier prices."

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